To-do List

Let Personal AI streamline your task management with the "To-do List" ability. Check off, add, modify, or remove items on your to-do list with natural language.

With To-do List, Personal AI elevates your task management by realizing:

  1. Task Management Simplified: Add, edit, or remove items from your to-do list with just natural language.

  2. Intelligent Prioritization: Personal AI organizes your tasks by urgency and importance, aiding you in focusing on what needs immediate attention.

  3. Smooth Task Completion: For tasks within its capabilities, Personal AI can even take them off your list by completing them for you.

Showcasing Task Management Excellence

From noting down tasks to tracking their completion, EVERY STEP OPTIMIZED:

To-do List: a Tour

  1. Switch It On: Navigate to the [Abilities] tab within Personal AI. In the Productivity section, you'll find the To-do List ability. Switch it on.

  2. Personal AI's Memories Expanded: Now you'll notice a To-do List added to Personal AI's [Memories] tab — This will be your hub for tracking tasks, complete with details like priorities, deadlines, statuses, and attachments.

  3. Interact and Manage: Start chatting with your Personal AI to add, delete, edit, or check items on your To-do List. You can also visit the [Memories] tab at any time to view all the entries in the To-do List as well as their current statuses.