Customized Newsletter

Get your customized daily newsletter with Personal AI. Discover Tech, Sports, or Crypto news, shaped for your perspective and passion. Here is a comprehensive introduction of this Ability.

There are 2 things that distinguish Customized Newsletter on MindOS from the generic digests you receive from traditional news services:

  1. Tailored Topics: Handpick the fields or topics that pique your interest. Whether it's the latest in AI, the dynamics of the tech world, or the pulse of the sports arena, you decide what makes the cut.

  2. Personalized Perspectives: It's not just about what you read; it's about how you read it. With Personal AI, you're handed the director's chair. Choose the narrative angle that aligns with your role or passion. Be it the strategic eye of an investor, the curious mind of a product manager, or the creative vision of a designer, the news is tailored to echo your voice.

  3. Efficient Delivery: No more sifting through heaps of information. Receive a compact, information-dense newsletter directly in your inbox. Every piece of content is meticulously curated and summarized, ensuring you stay informed without spending hours on end.

Showcasing the Power of Perspectives

Let's delve into how different perspectives can shape the interpretation of news topics:

Customized Newsletter: a Tour

  1. Switch It On: Navigate to the Abilities tab within Personal AI. In the Automations section, you'll find the Customized Newsletter ability. Switch it on.

  2. Selecting Topics: You'll be presented with a list of popular topics. Choose those that resonate with your interests, such as AI, Crypto, or Tech. Alternatively, you can manually input any specific topic of your choice.

  3. Defining Your Perspective: Dive deeper into your news experience! Whether you're an investor eyeing the latest market trends, or a product manager keen on tech innovations, Personal AI lets you select a perspective that mirrors your role or passion.

  4. Save Your Settings: Once you've made your selections, click [Save]. By default, your tailored newsletter will appear in the Pins page every day. Of course, if you prefer to have this newsletter delivered straight to your email, ensure the [Copy to email] option is toggled on.

  5. Stay Updated: All set! Now, every day, you'll receive a newsletter crafted just for you. Stay updated, and be informed without the hassle.


We're dedicated to providing a cost-effective and efficient service. If you haven't logged into MindOS for 5 days, we'll temporarily pause your Customized Newsletter to conserve resources.

But you can reactivate anytime by following these simple steps:

  1. Log into MindOS.

  2. Navigate to your Personal AI's [Abilities] tab.

  3. Switch on the Customized Newsletter.