
An intuitive interface where your AI 'sees' what you do, enabling real-time collaboration on discussing reports, dissecting papers, or exploring webpages.

Without Canvas, interacting with Memory Twin about specific content could be a cumbersome process. Imagine having to copy-paste snippets or quotes from a separate document into your chat, losing the richness of context and interrupting the flow of your conversation.

With Canvas, those barriers are shattered. Instead of processing pieces of the content separately, Canvas enables real-time, seamless collaboration. Just open the file right next to your chat and you're instantly working side-by-side with your AI. Highlight text, quote statistics, or request analysesβ€”all in real-time and all within one cohesive interface. It's like shifting from email exchanges to a dynamic brainstorming session with an expert.

Open Files in Canvas

Whether it is a file you've uploaded or a report your AI has generated via Workflow, simply hover your mouse over the file and click [Zoom In]. Then the file will open in Canvas, situated right beside your ongoing conversation.

Collaborative Reading and Processing: Once a file is "Zoom In" in Canvas, it becomes a shared workspace between you and your Mind. You can read through it together in real-time, and if something catches your interest or needs further explanation, hover your mouse over that specific text or image, and click the [Quote] button to directly send the quoted content and any accompanying prompt or question to Memory Twin.

Edit Files in Canvas

Rather than just static readings, your files are also interactive workspaces. Simply hover your mouse over any paragraph or select text, and click [Help me edit]. Whether you're looking to replace existing text, continue the narrative from where it leaves off, or craft a new paragraph, Memory Twin is up to the task. You can also use specific prompts to guide your AI, such as "Add a summary at the end of this report."

If you make significant changes and want to ensure your AI is fully informed, you can click [Relearn]. Once you're satisfied with the edits, you can easily share the document through a link or download it for future use.

You can also open web links that appear in your chat with Memory Twin. Hover your mouse over the link and click [Zoom In]. Then the webpage will appear right beside your ongoing chat.

Interacting with Webpages: Once the link is open, you're free to navigate it just like you would in a regular web browser. Whether it's clicking through to new pages, filling out forms, or reading articles, you can do it all within the Canvas interface.

Converting to Documents: Want to dive deeper into the content? Click on the [Open as Document] button located at the bottom right corner of Canvas. This converts the webpage into a document, enabling you to [Quote] text, images, or other elements directly into your chat.

Switch to Default Browser: If you prefer, you can also view the webpage in your default browser at any time. Click the [Open as Browser] button located at the bottom right corner of Canvas.


To ensure your smooth web browsing experience in Canvas, we recommend installing an 'Ignore X-Frame Header' or 'Allow X-Frame-Options' extension for your browser.

Mind's Powers within Canvas

Whether you're communicating with an AI you've Created or one acquired from the Marketplace, their capabilities remain consistent within the Canvas interface:

  1. Knowledge-based Analyses: Expect a more in-depth understanding of the content you view in Canvas, as the Mind applies its trained Knowledge base to offer relevant interpretations and explanations.

  2. Engaging Through API Skills and Workflows: While you'll still need to [Quote] specific content from documents or paste data from webpages to the chat to initiate API Skills and Workflows, the AI can then proceed to perform tasks or provide insights based on that quoted content.

  3. Memory Integration: When you identify useful information within Canvas, it can be stored in the AI's Memory as distinct entries. These entries can be recalled in future interactions for contextually relevant guidance.